If you were to ask us today if we would still choose to launch a magazine and podcast during a global pandemic, we would say yes.
The concept for a magazine and podcast for REALTORS® began in 2019. We knew the appetite was there and worked quickly to iron out logistics and a roll-out plan.
Fast forward to today, we’re happy to announce we’ve released four editions of REAL TIME magazine, in digital and print, 10 episodes of the REAL TIME podcast, and reached new audiences from coast to coast.

No matter if you’re a reader or a listener, the goals of REAL TIME are the same: educate, entertain and inform. Like REALTORS®, we’re always learning. We know how much has changed in the last 12 months and how important it is to stay on top of technology, trends and innovations in real estate.
Launching these publications didn’t come without challenges, but like you, we pivoted quickly and were able to adapt to the changing landscape. Issue No. 3 of REAL TIME was changed late in production as we decided it was best to focus on content about how REALTORS® are adjusting to this new normal.
In June, we released a special episode of the podcast, A Conversation About Real Estate in the Age of COVID-19, which provided REALTORS® insight into how they can transform to be more adept in a digital retail environment. Representatives from various levels within the industry provided guidance, clarity and offered members tools to implement.
Also, we can’t call this a “year in review” article without showing the numbers. As you can see from the data, some big strides were made, and we will look forward to producing more great content in 2021. If there’s something you’d like to see (or hear), please let us know in the Comments below.

Listen to each episode of the podcast here, and catch up on our past issues of REAL TIME with our digital version: https://www.crea.ca/magazine/.