Following a 36-day federal election campaign, Canadians can be forgiven for feeling like it’s Groundhog Day all over again. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada once again formed a minority government.
On Episode 19 of our REAL TIME podcast, political journalist and commentator Chantal Hébert discusses the political implications of Canada’s housing challenges, the newly elected government’s plan, and how the two might align to support a more sustainable housing sector for all Canadians.

During the conversation, Hébert reflects on why she believes Trudeau called an election in August, in the midst of the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and discusses how Canadians reacted to the decision.
Housing supply and housing affordability took centre stage during the election campaign. Hébert explains how housing issues have typically been addressed during federal elections compared to other issues such as the economy, healthcare and the environment. She also looks at how housing issues have evolved in recent years and discusses if housing has become more of a priority in the political landscape.
Furthermore, Hébert dives into the some of the Liberal’s policy promises from their election platform, such as a rent-to-own program, a buyer’s bill of rights and doubling the first-time home buyer’s tax credit, and if these platform promises resonated with voters.
Lastly, she discusses which party is likely to hold the balance of power, as the Liberals hang on to their minority position. Hébert also examines how this will impact housing legislation moving through Parliament and if any of the other parties will use housing legislation as a lightning rod for a non-confidence motion.
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To hear more, listen to Episode 19 of REAL TIME on or wherever you get your podcasts.
Don’t miss the latest episode of our French podcast EN DIRECT : L’accession à la propriété au Canada : une perspective plus large.