REALTORS® see first-hand the importance of “home” to Canadians and the economy. We know that the comfort of home provides a foundation for successful lives and communities. Unfortunately, too many of our fellow Canadians face barriers to safe and affordable places to call home. For example, more than 1.6 million Canadian households are in “core housing need,” meaning their “housing is unsuitable, inadequate or unaffordable.”[1] More than 235,000 Canadians experience homelessness each year.[2] Shelters for victims of abuse in Canada see more than 68,000 annual admissions.[3]
What if we REALTORS® could band together to help members of our communities facing these types of challenges? The Canadian REALTOR® community is 120,000+ members strong. So many REALTORS® are already doing great things for charity throughout the year; but imagine what we could accomplish together if we focused our efforts in a shared, impact-driven activity, all at the same time.
Introducing REALTORS Care® Week! From November 18-22, 2019, the REALTOR® community will be raising awareness about critical housing issues and taking action to share the comfort of home with Canadians in need.
All REALTORS® across Canada are encouraged to get involved in this exciting new national initiative by participating in hands-on volunteering projects in support of housing or shelter-related causes in our local communities. The more REALTORS® are involved and the more REALTORS Care® Week projects are planned from coast to coast, the stronger our message and the bigger our collective impact will be.
You can either lead your own project and recruit your colleagues, family and friends as volunteers; or you can volunteer to participate in a project being organized by fellow REALTORS®, your brokerage, your local real estate board or provincial association.
Projects already in the works include a blanket collection drive, a Habitat for Humanity build and a chili lunch at a local community centre, just to name a few. The possibilities are truly endless! Click here to check out our project ideas infographic to spark some inspiration.

If you decide you want to take the lead on a REALTORS Care® Week project, we recommend that your first step in the process be to learn about the various housing and shelter-related charities and community groups near you. Discover why these organizations exist and how they help members of your community. Once you identify one or more that speak to you on a personal level, reach out to them and start a conversation. Let them know you’re looking for a group volunteer opportunity for REALTORS Care® Week. Ask them what their organization and clients need and how you might be able to help at some point during the week of November 18-22, 2019. To learn more about our recommended next steps in the process, check out our step-by-step guide for prospective REALTORS Care® Week Project Leaders.
Make sure you’re following REALTORS Care® on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) to catch all the REALTORS Care® Week updates and please join the #REALTORSCareWeek conversation online to help raise awareness of housing and shelter-related issues.
I hope you’re as excited as I am about REALTORS Care® Week! If you have any questions, please reach out to CREA’s REALTORS Care® team at or ask away in the Comments section below.