In 2022, received 564 million visits from 121 million visitors. So it’s safe to say is Canada’s go-to real estate platform for home buyers, seller and renters—but have you ever wondered what visitors in your community are looking for?
Each quarter, CREA releases Local Insights for more than 400 cities and municipalities across Canada. From key search terms and filters, demographic insights, and other data points like location and timeframe, Local Insights offers a wealth of data to enhance your knowledge of visitors to This content can be a great addition to your marketing strategy; helping you enrich listings, websites, social media content, or other marketing materials you’re currently utilizing.
Let’s take a tour of Local Insights and break down how you can use this data in your business.

Search behaviour: Improve your listing searchability
“Top Search Filters” and “Keywords Searched” show you the criteria and features consumers in your community are looking for, both by percentage and actual number of searches. Use these terms as a baseline of what to include in your listing descriptions to make sure you’re using the right words and phrases to reach your ideal audience, specific to your location.
“Cities and Neighbourhoods Searched” provides insights into desirable neighbourhoods. If you happen to know these areas inside and out, we recommend making it known within your marketing materials (like your social media profiles or website) and your REALTOR® profile on

A recent addition to Local Insights, “Interprovincial Listing Searches” lets you know where you may need to expand your reach. Use this information to find out if you should consider widening the geographic reach of your ad campaigns to target new potential clients.
Demographics: Define your audience and tailor your messaging
Get a sense of the consumers in your community. Age and gender demographics can help inform any ad campaigns you may be running. Both age and user personas can help you develop a strategy for which marketing mediums you’ll use and what messaging might be best for your target audience.
For example, a younger audience may mean it’s time to put the ‘Reel’ in real estate. Conversely, if your community has a large proportion of repeat home buyers, tailoring your content with messaging around helping clients with their next move, or using testimonials from your repeat clients, might be a good strategy for you.

Usage behaviour: Optimize, optimize, optimize!
“Device Breakdown” and “Social Sharing” insights offer information on how your prospective audience is visiting Use these insights to inform decisions about device optimization and making sure your web content is user-friendly across all devices. Remember to use images and descriptions that will catch consumers’ eyes as they scroll their social feeds.

Using data to enrich your marketing strategy
By utilizing Local Insights, you can make better decisions about when and where you’re marketing budget is going. In addition, Local Insights can help you create a more streamlined approach that’s customized to your community so you know you are getting the most out of your marketing campaigns.