Volunteers help guide our national association’s work and ensure our REALTOR® members’ viewpoints and expertise remain at the heart of our decision-making.
There are great opportunities available that can help you to grow professionally while giving back to the industry you love.
We’re calling on all REALTORS® and board/association staff to apply to serve on one of our volunteer board/operational committees. These committees act as resources for our Board of Directors and CEO on important topics and help guide your national association.
CREA’s leadership understands the importance of bringing REALTORS® with diverse backgrounds and experiences to our committee tables. We want the composition of our committees and our board to reflect the wonderful diversity of our national membership. That’s why we’re putting out a call to all REALTORS® across Canada.
On Wednesday, January, 11, 2023, we’ll host a virtual information session for individuals interested in learning more about becoming a CREA Committee member for the 2023-2024 term. Attendees will have the chance to learn more from past committee members and ask questions. Register now.
How do I apply to join a CREA committee?
Visit crea.ca/committees to complete the online application form. Tell us more about yourself, your history and why you’d make a valuable addition to the committee(s) of your choice. All applications must be submitted by Friday, February 17, 2023, to be considered. The application process is open to all REALTORS® in good standing with CREA.

Why should I serve on a CREA committee?
CREA committee members get to put their unique perspectives, expertise, and talent to good use by contributing to the work of the national association on behalf of fellow REALTORS®.
Volunteers also gain valuable experience serving at the national level, which can come in handy if you choose to seek leadership roles in the future. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to make friends and industry contacts from across the country.
What positions are available?
Opportunities for REALTORS®—as well as staff representatives from boards and associations across Canada—are available on the following CREA committees on an annual basis:
Audit and Risk Management Committee
Purpose of the committee: Based on the board goals for a governing year, develop and implement an annual work plan to appoint an external auditor and oversee the audit process.
Federal Affairs Committee
Purpose of the committee: To provide strategic direction on federal policy, programs and initiatives that promotes ownership and investment in real estate and protect the interests of homebuyers, property owners and REALTORS®.
Finance Committee
Purpose of the committee: Based on the Board goals for a governing year, develop and implement an annual work plan to review, monitor and provide guidance and/or recommendations to the Board of Directors, related to the financial stewardship of CREA.
Governance and Bylaws Committee
Purpose of the committee: Based on the Board goals for a governing year, develop and implement an annual work plan for the improvement of the Board of Directors’ good governance policies and practices.
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Committee
Purpose of the committee: Be a resource to CREA’s Board of Directors on environmental, social and governance (ESG) related matters, providing strategic direction on policies, practices and programs through which CREA may address prioritized ESG issues, risks and opportunities.
Association Executives Committee
Purpose of the committee: To be a resource to the CREA CEO in promoting and encouraging the highest standards among Association Executives Network (AEN) affiliates and the organizations they administer.
Broker/Manager Committee
Purpose of the committee: To be a resource and sounding board for services and support targeted to the brokerage community.
Marketing and Communications Committee
Purpose of the committee: To provide high level strategic direction and feedback to CREA’s marketing and communications activities in support of achieving CREA’s mission. The Committee will help to ensure that CREA’s communication products address the needs of audiences who are strategically important to CREA and that CREA’s marketing and advertising strategically addresses the needs of members.
REALTOR® Code Committee
Purpose of the committee: To monitor the implementation, organization, and application of the REALTOR® Code across the country, and to make recommendations to ensure the continuing relevance of the REALTOR® Code and the strength of the REALTOR® trademark.
Technology Committee
Purpose of the committee: To be a resource to the CREA CEO in matters related to technology initiatives.
For more information on the mandates and responsibilities of these committees, visit crea.ca/committees to review their Terms of Reference.
How many committees can I apply for?
You can apply to join up to two board committees and two operational committees.
How long are committee terms?
Committee terms are typically for one year. Committee members may apply to rejoin their committee for subsequent years.
How often do committees meet?
Most of CREA’s committees meet at least once a year, usually (but not always) at CREA’s office in Ottawa, Ontario. Committees may also host virtual calls or webinars. Committee members are reimbursed for travel expenses incurred as a result of committee meetings, in accordance with CREA’s policies and practices.
Thank you for your interest in serving as a CREA committee volunteer. We look forward to receiving your application.
If you have any questions about the application process, contact our Member Experience Centre at support@crea.ca or 1-888-237-7945.