Earlier this year, the REALTOR.ca app was rebuilt from the ground up to provide the best possible experience for home buyers and sellers while showcasing the value of using a REALTOR® during the home buying journey.
Building a reliable and robust app is crucial in a mobile first world (In 2020, 68% of REALTOR.ca visits were from a mobile device). The app provides a convenient way for Canadians to search for real estate. Plus, Canadians are already familiar with the REALTOR.ca and REALTOR® brands.
This wasn’t a set-it-and-forget-it project.
We listened closely to feedback, from both users and our members, and we continue to make significant improvements to the app—keep your eyes open for more exciting updates coming soon. By making enhancements to the user experience to keep up with user expectations, the REALTOR® brand will continue to grow and be well-poised to remain at the centre of the Canadian real estate industry.
During the recent launch of iOS 15, Apple Inc. chose to highlight REALTOR.ca in their marketing materials, further proof the REALTOR®-owned site has become a powerhouse brand in the Canadian marketplace. This of course is backed by data.
What do @TedLasso, @JustinBieber and @REALTORdotca have in common?
— REALTOR.ca (@REALTORdotca) October 6, 2021
If you've seen Apple’s new #iOS15 promotions, did you notice anything familiar? ?
We're proud to have the https://t.co/0nnKqiuyGq app highlighted in their new experiences section! https://t.co/MSCZrB85rK pic.twitter.com/XEQVUkZrCY
REALTOR.ca continues to be the No. 1 real estate platform in Canada (Comscore), which means it’s an invaluable marketing tool for REALTORS® like you. In the last 18 months, REALTOR.ca traffic has grown by 56% while leads also increased by 57%. That means more than six million leads were sent to our members over the last 18 months! That’s a lot of potential clients.
Plus, our team continues to focus on ways to improve the quality of leads to help you make more meaningful connections with potential clients.
Home buyers expect our data to be the most credible, current, and reliable in the marketplace. They could go to a myriad of other sources to get property data, but the vast majority eventually end up on REALTOR.ca—a destination owned and operated by REALTORS®, with the goal to connect consumers with trusted advisors.
It’s also worth noting 100% of all leads from REALTOR.ca come to you as a member benefit.
- All leads go to the listing agent.
- No referral fees.
- No other agents can buy their way onto your listing pages.
Tip: Stand out with your REALTOR.ca profile. You’re always front and centre on all your listings, so ensure your profile has a high-quality photo. Make sure your profile is complete in your local MLS® System. Your email, phone number, website, social accounts (now including Instagram) and additional details (fields vary by board and association) are essential and entice potential clients to connect with you. You can also identify your trading area, not just your office address, to ensure you’re reaching as many clients as possible.
With the REALTOR.ca app your listings look better than ever with up-to-date information, high quality photos, videos and virtual tours, neighbourhood data and REALTOR® contact information—all presented in a user-friendly and intuitive way.
The app also focuses on connecting potential clients with REALTORS® and makes it easier than ever for consumers to share listings with family and friends with just a few taps. Plus, consumers can save favourites, customize map options and easily access previous searches, making it easier than ever to find a property they love and a trusted advisor to help.
With the largest pool of trusted and accurate listings, the app is optimized to support viewing properties—wherever you are. The new REALTOR.ca app is fully supported on tablets, so you and your clients can get the same rich experience on your favourite mobile device.
If you haven’t already, download the new app today and help us spread the news to your clients.

Your feedback is important to us as we continue to improve the REALTOR.ca experience. Leave your feedback in the Comments below.