It’s finally here: the day everyone has been waiting for! Well, maybe not quite everyone, but I know I’ve been looking forward to this for a while and I’ve been asked for this from some boards and associations, too.
Are you ready for it?
It’s the new REALTOR® trademark cartoon!
Those of you who have been members of the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) for a while might remember that we used to have a cartoon featuring Mark, valiant defender of CREA’s trademarks, who explained how to use the REALTOR® mark correctly. It was pretty cute, if I say so myself.

Well, in 2015 we amended our policies related to use of the REALTOR® mark, which made that cartoon obsolete. Since the cartoon was no longer correct, we took it off REALTOR Link® but it left a gap in our training materials. Now, we finally have a new cartoon to explain how to use the REALTOR® mark correctly and why it’s important to use CREA’s trademarks in accordance with our Trademark Policy.
Do you know if REALTOR® can be used with modifiers? Do you know if REALTOR® can be used in social media profiles or usernames? How about the subsequent use form rule—do you know what that means?

This new guy does. Maybe we should call him Mark 2.0? No, too dated. Marky Mark? Nah, still dated. I’ll work on that….
The cartoon has a new modern look, it’s only five minutes long and it explains the current policies related to the REALTOR® mark, including how to use REALTOR® in the proper form and context. Best of all, if you watch this cartoon, then you don’t have to listen to me going on and on and on about the proper use of the mark!
Mark is only in semi-retirement at this point. He’s still around in our cartoon about how to use the MLS® mark, but we’re working on updating that cartoon, too. We’ll hopefully have a new MLS® cartoon later this year or early next year. After that Mark will be able to ride off into the virtual sunset. In the meantime, he will continue to teach REALTORS® about the MLS® mark while the new guy (Mar’que?) will teach members about the REALTOR® mark. Make sure to check him out!
The article above is for information purposes and is not legal or financial advice or a substitute for legal counsel.
Explanation and video well done and informative.
It would be helpful to members of CREA to be able to have a Brand Centre where they can download any branding required such as the proper Logo including the printed REALTORr as our computers whether a desk top, tablet or Mac do not have the trademark symbol on their keyboards.
Hi Jorda,
You can find a number of trademark and logo resources on REALTORLink®:—compliance/legal-compliance—national-standards/compliance-resources/trademarks-and-logos.html